

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Progress Reports go out at the beginning of EVERY week. Make sure that you are having your parents read and sign your progress reports and you return them to school because this counts towards your particpation grades. Report cards will be going out very soon. You need to really make sure that your parents are seeing your grades.Do not forget about your required monthly community service. Listed below are monthly projects that you can participate in for hours. If you have other ways of accomplishing your hours, please feel free to do so.

THIS WEEK IN CLASS: Solving Algebraic Expressions and verifying using basic properties


Monday: Textbook pages 158-159 #'s 14-38 even

Tuesday:Front and back worksheet on Solving Algebraic Expressions

Wednesday: Project on Solving Algebraic Expressions due in two weeks (11/14/2011)

Thursday: Do the Chapter Review Found at the end of the Chapter pages 185-190 #'s 1-85 odd

Friday: No Homework. Continue to work on the Solving Algebraic Expressions project due (11/14/2011)

HOMEWORK HELP: Follow these links for more help on the homework. If you continue to have trouble, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Here are also some other links if you would like some extra practice. If you find anything usefull that may be beneficial for the class, please send it to me in a email and I will consider having you introduce it to the class.


August: Operation School Supplies- we would like for students to bring in school supplies for those that cannot afford it ie notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, etc.

September: "Clean up clean up, everybody do your share! Clean up clean up everybody everywhere!" this is a green project where we will be going around the school picking up trash and recycling paper, plastic and glass products to keep our campus looking clean and fresh.

October: Trick-or-Treat- We will be hosting a trick-or-treat event for elementary aged students in the community at our school. We ask that each student bring in one bag of candy. We would love for the students to participate as well passing out candy and helping conduct the games. Students helping out are encouraged to dress up to help promote this event.

November:Food for Thought/Operation Give a Kid a Coat- We have two service projects going on this month. The Food For Thought Project is for those that cannot afford to have a Thanksgiving dinner. We would like students to bring in canned goods, boxed stuffing, and hams or turkeys if possilbe. Operations Give a Kid a Coat is to help those that cannot afford to purchase a coat. We ask that students bring in new or gently used coats for this drive. We will be continuing this community service project throughout the Winter season.

December: Operation Give a Kid a Coat/ Toys for Tots- Operation Give a Kid a Coat is a projection continuation from last month. Toys for Tots is a project to help unfortunate families with the holidays. Students if you have old toys that are still in good shape that you no longer have use for please bring them in. If your family would like to donate new toys that is great as well.


SmileIf you feel as though you need to contact me for any reason, please feel free to at any time. If you call and I do not answer, please try another one of my contacts or just simply leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possilbe.Smile


PHONE: (123)456-7890